Wednesday, September 22, 2004

From a soldier in Iraq

This is from Ginmar, a soldier blogger in Iraq.

I believed what I was told.

My doubts have arisen because of what I've seen---and haven't seen. I believe there has to be a standard for democracy like there is for medicine: first do no harm. When the number of soldiers killed here equals the number of people killed on September 11th, will people be healed? Especially now, now that we have inadvertantly caused the very problem we supposedly came here to solve: Al Qaeda in Iraq.

They were not here before.Now they are.

That's all I have to say for now.

But for now I can say it here. And whoever wants me to fight and die, but do so with my lips zipped needs to discover what all despots do: frustrate free speech early, and watch it grow too large to contain later.Sooner or later. Decide. Let me talk now or let me and every one like me become so frustrated that it becomes too huge to contain.

Hopefully in about two months.

The full post is located at


Paul G. said...

Doverie vospominanii - you?

Paul G. said...

I know the city that carries your name.
Interesting area.

Paul G. said...

Vrangel is in the Primorye district near Vladivostok.
Vladivostok is why I know about it and yes it is named for the General.